Sunday, March 19, 2023

You don't have a racial preferences LMAOOO

  1. You can be attracted to different facial features and body types and etc but not skin tone

  2. Yes you can think it's beautiful but it's not a preference

  3. Ppl who say they prefer a certain race say that because the common features of that race i what they are attracted too, but if someone if a different race had those same exact features, you would be lying to say that you're not attracted to them

  4. Some say as a response “ i'm not saying other races are ugly but i find this race more attractive” AGAIN, IT'S CUZ THAT RACE IS MORE LIKELY TO FIT UR TYPE.

  5. Also saying u have a racial preference is inherently problematic because you're saying that you find this race MORE attractive than others. Which is not true because again not everyone of a certain race looks the same, if someone of your “preferred” race didn't fit your type you would find them less attractive than someone of a different race, who fits your exact type.

  6. Yes depending on what u are attracted to there may be races more likely to fit your type but it doesn't mean that, that ENTIRE RACE fits your type, atp ur fetishizing and stereotyping that race and their features.

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