Friday, July 5, 2024

Forever Final Thoughts

Okay i'm making this post to get out ALLL of my feelings cuz this is just… no i need to say EVERYTHING cuz i talked abt this in total (combing my videos and posts abt this) likee about 10 times and i just want to get it all out in an organized way, so yes screenshots are included cuz i don't really think youll get what i mean without it.

also in the screenshots you will notice stella liking alot of the message, it doesnt mean she agrees with men, but this is just how we would talk, liking all messages.

Maybe ur like “OMG WHY IS SHE STILL TALKING ABT IT OMG” well… this friendship was a big part of my life and so as a result the break up also affects me and obviously not positively, i was in shock and anger and tbh i still am, those feelings don't just go away, esp for something that was so passionate and brought you lots of happiness and laughs, you don't just “get over it” that fast, at least for me.

The last time this happened to me i was 14 and i was friends w this girl FOR 10 YEARS and she stopped being my friend cuz i stopped wearing the hijab, were friends now but that hurt me… a lot and it took me a long time to get over it, i was crying about it all the time.

I didnt cry over this one, but i was sad, but my sadness is always combined with anger, anger of “why me? What did i even do?” and that anger is heightened when i was dumped for no reason, similar to the very first friendship break up i had at 14 years old.

Now without further ado, lets begin πŸ’ƒ

  1. Part 1: And it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign!

So before i start to explain everything, i need to introduce things, soo you all know hanari and mina and stella and arya and FHG (foil hat gang) if you don't… than you havent been following my blog for a long time and you probably wont understand anything i write here because you will not get any of the lore, so if that describes you, feel free to not read this post, if u don't care and are intrigued anyway… thats fine to, i don't control u so… u can do what ever you want.

Hanari is not someone that has an easy life, i don't want to say anything else because even though i dislike her, strongly, i feel like it's irrelevant to go into details, but lets just say what she has said PUBLICALLY she doesnt really have any irl friends, almost all of her friends, including her current boyfriend is online. Not to insult her but thats not good.. That forces you to be chronically online. I mean if all my besties were online, i wouldnt have any reason to leave my house and hang out with them, going to mall, going to movies , going to amusement parks and etc. there would be no point… so i think that this chronically online-ness really affects her and it affected her for a long time. The internet is not a great place to spend ALL of you're time. Too much social media makes ppl insecure and too much internet can make people be quite rude and vicious, i mean look at all the snark pages on reddit and instagram comments and even youtube comments… people are really mean and i notice those who are chronically online are even more mean than those who are not

I always noticed that hanari was very aggressive in how she spoke, but it was usually when she was talking about someone else and she would often say homophobic slurs,(do i think she is GENUINELY homophobic? No? she has defended gay people, but she has also said homophobic things so… idk)

 but i didnt think it was bad because, i thought she was bi… buuuuut shes not, n i found out after the fight with fhg

So now it's time to talk about an issue that would get worse over time, the bad communication. I remember one day she was very upset, stella sent us a picture of herself with dyed brown hair than… this happened?

We were all pretty confused as we literally had no idea what caused this, like there was no real indication? Twas so weird… and she would be posting on her stories playing with one of her friends on roblox but she would ignore us COMPLETELY until like 2 days after, she sent this and liked all the messages above of us talking about it 

We all forgave her for this and moved on but i had to mention this because this is the first sign imo of her bad communication and the first sign of her jealousy problem

  1. Part 2: The Shit talking

So during this time stella was going through a rough patch in life and i felt really bad for her. I wont go i nto details but it was bad, i wasnt super active in the group during this time as college had started and i was hanging out with friends irl a lot more and didnt text the girls as much.

Hanari texted me about stella and that is where it all started. She would text me whenever stella bothered her… like all the time

I remember i didnt really believe hanari till i saw this because even though stella would tell me she ment it as a joke, i can see why hanari wouldnt have taken it that way tbh

And more and more we would talk about her, and than we called, after me and hanari called i think the next day idk wen but we talked to stella. Cuz Like zuba was also calling me out and telling me that we have to talk to Stella and can't hide like this.

Later on though, hanari would still talk about stella to me and i felt like bad friend, i honestly don't know how what we did wasnt shit talking. Like this isnt nice. I feel bad even re-reading these. 

Link to some examples of the shit talking : 

Like this is just shady and rude

Stella would text me asking if hanari was mad at her and id tell her “no shes just busy” but clearly that wasnt true, she spends all her time online, ofc shed be able to have time to text her BEST FRIEND… she chose not to though and ignored her.

 so i told stella EVERYTHING i couldnt hold it in anymore, i felt so horrible, like so much guilt., i really felt like a bad friend. But i didnt tell hanari the reason why cuz i didnt wanna lose her as a friend either, cuz like i said and she has admitted herself, shes not good at controlling her emotions, but i told hanari that stellas knows everything, i wanted them to just be friends so that she wouldn’t talk badly about her anymore

Hanari would deny that she was talking shit and say she was just talking “abt her because she was worried” but if you're worried, you should just talk to stella? Not talk to me and pin me against her

<---- like gurl, that's not what shit talking means? You will see this pop up alot is that she will insult ppl, but wen called out for it just say shes “explaining how hurt she is” when she could've said what she wanted to without the insults, she acts like the insults are necessary to explain what she has to say, but she could literally explain her points without them… like you don't HAVE to insult ppl.

What shes describing here is playing both sides, not talking shit.

and i remember her and stella would say they were sisters so i felt weirded out tbh

 thats weird asf and it didnt end here….

  1. Part 3: The big fight

So this fight has SOOO MUCH TO IT LIKE I CAN'T 

So i'm going to link to stella’s post because she explained it best. ←---- Heres a link to that post, read that, before continuing or u wont get anything i think..cuz i will reference it a lot.

Sooo yeah… we had a huge fight and it was due to jealousy, so naturally when things are happening ill always tell my number 1 bestie, zuba. Yk wen ppl are like “okay i'm gonna tell u a secret don't tell anyone!” but u have that one friend u tell everything to regardless? Zuba is that friend for me, so naturally i told her EVERYTHING and this was her response

Hanari took offense to her “making fun of her condition and calling her mentally ill”, honestly i don't think she was insulting her, but sure i'm biased. But seriously when she says mentally ill here i think it's clear shes not trying to insult her? Like right before she says that she LITERALLY says she feels bad for hanari but admits that hanari has a jealousy issue, and that issue seems quite mental but idk…. I sent these screenshots of zuba to stella because she felt so alone and so upset like she lost all her friends. You could argue i shouldve sent them to hanari too and yeah i probably shouldve, but like i said hanari has a very explosive personality, i was very careful of what i would say to her because i didnt want her to get mad, i was scared of her tbh, so i didnt wanna start up anything unnecessary, i mean she and zuba were never friends so why would it matter how zuba feels about all this? Yk what mean? And later on, i’d be proven correct when it comes to how she reacts to those who aren't on her side.

Also why would zuba make fun of hanari, knowing that she is my friend? It doesnt make sense.

I told zuba, more and more and abt hanari saying slurs to stellas friends and other things, mentioned in stellas blog post

After hearing about all this, zuba didnt wanna follow her anymore… and thats fine! She doesnt have to and tbh i wouldve done the same thing if i were her! I shouldve done the same thing tbh!

I mean she clearly had no problem attacking stella’s friends so what would make my friends any different?

  1. Part 4: The big fight with ME?

One day hanari texts me and shes like


“Maryam why did zuba unfollow me help”

And i was like “oh i think it was an accident”

Yeah i shouldnt have lied but i really just didnt want to cause any more issues

Than she put two and two together, you see when stella was trying to talk to mina, she sent zubas words to her and ig mina didnt show it to hanari till waaaay later????

Because hanari suddenly realized what zuba said and was pissed

Link to my fight with hanari here: 

She literally called her disgusting, a “miss know it all” and “just as bad as stella” who she has said lots of things about… like what? I'm really struggling to see how she didnt insult zuba here, like can you see how much of an overreaction this is?

Like what zuba said was not NEARLY as bad as what hanari said about her

Zuba got her opinion from ME, someone whose heard both sides and i sent her ALL the screenshots and she formed her own opinion from that… so whats wrong with that? Zuba is allowed to state her opinion to me? Like you can't police what she says and how she thinks about a situation when she was talking to meeee not youuu, she unfollowed you… you guys were never friends, just acquaintances… like this is strange asf…

Naturally i defended my girl, like i get that hanari was hurt and i literally told her that, but she is able to express that shes hurt about what she said, without insulting her? And she literally DENIES insulting her…

I think it's really funny how talking badly about you're bestie behind her back and calling zuba disgusting, a “dick rider” a “miss know it all” and “just as bad as stella”, don't count as insulting or talking shit but saying someone has a jealousy issue, because they do and saying someone is clearly mentally unwell is the most disrespectful thing ever?

You guys see how ridiculous this is? Like is this not weird? The hypocrisy is LITERALLY so insane.

Also, complaining to me abt zuba makes no sense because what am i supposed to say?

Yeah sorry that she said that? Like esp because she was insulting zuba, am i supposed to agree with her insults? I'm not going to do that… she shouldve known that.

She tried to be like “ well zuba spoke to you about her thoughts so i'm gonna speak to you about HER thoughts” that is so dumb? Because i ASKED for zubas opinion, i didnt ASK for yours? And since you don't have an issue with me, i don't know why you want me to respond to what you're saying… i'm not zuba! You need to talk to her!

She also exaggerated what zuba said, like by A LOOOOOOOOOOOOT

As you can see from the screen shots, i was on call w zuba talking about this and she was actually texting hanari, just so that they can sort out the situation

Link to the convo here: 

Now, remember arya? Yeah her, she was in the group and got kicked out because she was shit talking one of us, i never liked her since and i unfollowed her, we all didnt like her, but i guess the rest of the girls wanted to stay on good terms. 

Hanari was aryas biggest hater, she brought her up more than ANYONE ELSE, i find it funny how arya is under the impression that hanari  likes her and is her friend but she has no idea that hanari said all these horrible things about her. I bring this up because i find it soooo hypocritical, like why are you using ARYA who is a bad person and has said bad things, why are we using HER as an example of stella’s “manipulation” it literally makes no sense.

It just seems like there bringing up arya and pretending she was a victim because… they don't like stella! Not because they think arya is a true victim.

This is what i hate the most abt all this, the amount of lying and gasligting to suit their narrative, cuz u don't like arya! Arya is not a good person! We all discussed and agreed on this!

(mina also tried to excuse arya when speaking to me so some of her screenshots are included here, admittedly she only has one)

She talks about stellas sex life, which is unnecessary, why would zuba needa know all of  that?  and she says stella has said bad things abt lgbtq (stella is BISEXUAL and has made comments here and there but she has a right as is apart of that community) also the comments stella made are few and far between and not likew hanari is describing.

  1. Part 5: The gaslighting of mina

Sooo randomly hanari blocked me and i told another bestie of mine fatma abt the whole scenario and i told mina, fatma was talking to hanari trying to get the reason as to why she blocked me 

She says i was blocked because she felt she was a burden… like okay that still doesn't excuse it? Blocking is LITERALLY an act of hate, if u block somone it means u don't like them, thats how that person will take it. So instead of telling me why she wants to end to friendship she cuts me off randomly and when someone else asks her on MY behalf, she tells THEM??? Wtf lmao

What kind of communication is this?? Bad communication

And ill tell you i had a similar thing happen with one of my best friends who we will call bob, so bob has had mental health issues and episodes and sometimes they would think that they are a burden

I remember talking to bob and they were telling me that they just can't handle being my friend. I asked why and they said they felt like a burden, i tried to reassure them that they were not and they didnt believe me, they told me that they just couldnt handle it, so i respected there decision and let them them be and i told them that they can talk to me whenever they want and that i'm always here

This is an example of a mature way to end things???

(Me and bob rekindled the friendship btw after like a year)

But yeah there are much better ways and much more mature ways to handle that, she acts as if blocking is the only way, when it's not. Blocking is in most situations the most IMMATURE way the end a friendship, because you're just surprising this person and they can't do anything about it, it's really cruel, there is no indication of the friendship ending, just at random, thats not good.

Mina than tries to speak to me and at first it seems like she really wants to understand and help me, but its really like how she was to stella, with her trying to convince me it was my fault i got blocked. She will say that, this is not true … but it literally is.

(yes there are vms ik but u can get a general idea still)

Link to the mina convo: 

Throught out these screen shots she is trying to find a reason as to why i'm blocked and trying to get me to understand hanari and why she blocked me, which is weird

Why do i, the one who is blocked, have to get her?

If i am blocked, even if i do by some miracle agree with her, how does that change anything?

The right thing is to get hanari to unblock me so i can speak to HER!

I get trying to defend her, but she is not hanari, she is going to run out of things to defend her of and will come up with reasons that make no sense.

Mina clearly didnt think about that and tried to get me on hanari’s side like… if you have read this wholllee thing you can tell how hanari is clearly wrong, so imagine someone is trying to EXCUSE this clearly wrong behavior, now there is a chance that she genuinely didnt want to blame me and had completely pure intention but come on… she had to have realized at some point how she came across and how she is literally trying to blame me, for things that happened so long ago too, than she keeps getting mad at the fact that i'm mad?

Like hello? You're blaming me for what this crazy person is doing but i'm not allowed to be mad? I have never felt so frustrated arguing with someone in my entire life, i was so angry

Again she tried to say hanari wasnt insulting zuba and that my tone was wrong, hanari was clearly insulting zuba and IT DOESN'T MATTER IF I'M MAD OR NOT



Infact during my convo w mina i was MORE mature than hanari in her convo with me! Go figure!

See how they disregard that? And will switch up depending on how they feel?

None of this would've happened if mina didnt start blaming me and calling me names and if hanari ended our friendship in a much more mature way, mina was also being EXTREMELY NITPICKY about the whole thing esp when i was asking for other friends perspectives

Actually if hanari ended the friendship correctly, id have no reason to text mina at all! But we don't live in a utopia. 

anyways at the end of the convo i blocked her cuz she straight up told me that she didnt want to talk to me anymore

Hanari being the smart girl she is! Texts fatma insulting me for not “taking mina’s kind approach!!! 😑”

Omg Bffr…

Fatma than blocks her 🀭

  1. Part 6: The admission of guilt

But wait! Guys something happened! Something unexpected?

A few weeks or so after all this i decided to check hanari’s blog and i saw that Hanari made this post

I thought it was about me… honestly can u blame me? Now yk that hanari had an issue, an issue i mentioned in this blog post, i thought that she was referring to me again so i mentioned her, her name is still there cuz it was a huge habit of hers, but i also wanted to post this cuz this is something the dsa kids would do as well.

After this, stella felt the confidence to make her own post about the whole ordeal, and she did! After she posted this i supported her in the comments 

(Also mina responded to my comment under stellas blog post? Which prompted me to make this post cuz what????

It's so strange and makes no sense? She never says what lies i'm talking abt because there are NO LIES LMAOOO

Also i never say “against them” in my original comment so…. Idk what her eyes saw but… weirdddd)

Even hanari apologized to her and admitted she was wrong in that situation and so did mina! Thats all great!

Except… it doesnt end here… 

After seeing my post hanari sends me a message saying that she wanted to clarify that it was “abt her mom”

Link to our convo here: 

I was honestly confused as to why she would contact me for that.

I tried talking to her but it is clear that she doesnt think she did anything wrong to me, she sees my situation as an extension of stella’s which is just wrong. She was not the only person hurt in all this? Why does she only get an apology? Like my issue is not her issue, you saying sorry to stella inst saying sorry for how you treated me LMAOO we are literally two different ppl??? Like?

Clearly she didnt see it that way, i'm glad she apologized to stella but i don't think she has learned alot from all this tbh

I feel like she was trying to act like the bigger person, in terms of her attitude but she was spewing the same old stuff she said before, it just didnt look as crazy anymore

Also she keeps changing her reason to text me in the convo? Like are you texting me to clarify everything or cuz you wanna talk to me? She just changes it based on how she feelings and it's weird

Also why contact me if you're not open to the idea that you were wrong? Like she clearly wasn't open to the possibility that perhaps… she was wrong with me too!

It's like… why even text me?

Cuz u will never win with someone that can never admit they are wrong… ever

Ik i can admit if ive made a mistake but she can't.

Also.. you know whats the funniest part of all of this? Is her admitting to stella that she was wrong she is also UNKNOWINGLY admitting zuba was right, cuz everything zuba said is exactly how stella felt and was stella’s exact argument so i find it kinda funny how she doesnt even realize that and still blames me for what happened between me n her lol 

Stella said it best, it's like she treats my situation as a side quest

  1. Part 7: The “stalking”

So uhhhh now were at almost the end of this, dw ik ur tired but imagine how tired i was having to experience all this bruh 😭

So when me and hanari stopped being friends i remember feeling this… presence on my blog

Like i felt like i was being INTENSTLY WATCHED and i knew it was her


Firstly, i don't have any fans (yet, manifesting frr <33) but seriously i don't have any fans like who is gonna try to check up on my blog DAILY? No… if it's daily it has to be someone i know.. Right?

Bingo it is someone i know!

But it's not a friend, my friends barely check my blog and tbh why would they? They have personal access to my life they don't need to look at my blog to know what i'm thinking or wtvr, everything i post on my blog i talked abt w my friends first, or sometimes it's things my friends sent me, so no it's not my friends, they don't really check unless if i tell them to tbh

So it has to be someone ik but no longer connected with, it was the dsa kids but they and i for the most part have moved on, it's not the tia kids i don't think they found my page tbh

It can only be hanari LMAOO

And lemme tell u, she be checking it DAILY refreshing my blog just to see whats going in my life and she checks to see if i uploaded anything on my “exclusive vids” playlist.. Daily lol

Now it was really just a strong very likely assumption and i didnt have proof of it, till i reposted a tiktok zuba sent me


But i decided to test this again just in case AND SHE TOOK THE BAIT LOL


At first i lost hope and took down the post…


Honestly i find it pretty funny, how in our conversation and in general she acts like she doesnt care abt me and is over all of it BUT UR NOT CUZ U LOOK AT MY STUFF EVERY SINGLE DAY


137 TIMES… GIRL… πŸ’€ and on average u check my page 22-30 times a DAY, A DAY??????

Like don't get me wrong, everyone checks up on ppl they hate from time to time but not like this bruh

I havent checked up on the dsa kids in years, i check up on the tia kids like once every four years πŸ’€ 

Honestly most of the news i hear abt these ppl COMES FROM OTHER PPL NOT MY OWN DAILY RESEARCH LMAOOO

Idk this kinda makes me realize, i mean i always knew this, but it really just shows you how ppl can really act as if they are so detached and don't care, but there secretly looking at what you do daily, i'm not saying “omg she likes me and is obsessed” no i don't think she likes me, i think she hates me and it's her hate for me that is so passionate and i think she doesnt really know why she hates me tbh, so shes trying to find a reason every single day

  1. Conclusion

Sooo please watch this

I think this right here is why the group in general collapsed and burned, i feel like it was a combination of maturity levels being off and also the friendship was very superficial

It was focused on nostalgic girly things mainly, not us. 

The group was like stella said, a safe space to share nostalgic things, they werent really interested in having deep conversations about the world we live in (HELP I SOUND LIKE JADEN SMITH BUT YK WAT I MEAN) they only really cared about girly nostalgic things, which isnt bad, but it caused issues when we tried to talk about our actual lives and things like that, i notice that the chat wouldnt be as active compared to when we would talk about bratz or winx or britney spears and paris hilton yk?

It's not a bad thing per say but it will create issues later on down the line, esp because i don't really like superficial friendships tbh, there very hard to maintain, the person ends being a good/close friend or an acquaintance tbh… or worst case scenario an enemy

Anyways, hanari prob wont look at my blog anymore after i post thing but idrc, i miss posting not knowing who would see it and posting as if no one is watching me but idk

Also i didnt post this to “StArT dRaMa” i posted this to get all my feelings out and i have the right!

Honestly writing this was great cuz i truly have emptied out my entire brain, idk what else to say abt this situation so this is it! Like i truly don't know how i could possibly talk about it anymore after this

If you read all this, thank u sm for reading, i needed to finally get all my thoughts out n organize it cuz in the previous times, while i don't disagree w what i said… like  AT ALL, i feel like it's kinda hard to understand tbh so i needed to really put things out there in a way that makes u fully get what i'm saying and my anger and frustration for everything that happened, i'm not posting this just because ik there watching my blog, i don't really care for if they see what i post or not, i'm posting this cuz this is my blog and i was publicly friends w these ppl n i want ppl to know why i'm publicly not friends anymore with them. This has been bothering for clearly a long time and due to my life experiences i HATE being gaslighted and being portrayed as a crazy person WHEN I'M CLEARLY NOT THE CRAZY ONE HERE LMAOO

I feel like my reaction is so normal? Considering what they did? I feel like any normal person would feel agitated and upset and i honestly felt like i was GOING CRAZY OR SUMTHIN??? But yeah thats ALLL i have to say about that

(trust me, i mean it this time! Unless there are any new developments, i won't drag this any longer)


 i also want to PUBLICALLY apologize to stella for being an asshole, i am NOT that type of person and i feel horrible for the things i have said about her and all the shady comments. I was honestly scared of hanari and i liked being her friend because "omg we have the same childhood!!". thats a stupid reason to continue to be friends with someone that is not a good person, knowin that and continuing? you could say i got my karma. I was not being myself, im not a fake person and thats why i thank zuba for giving me that wake up call and CALLING ME OUT for not being good to stella. She reminded me of my morals, and how this is RARE for me, which i carelessly tossed away due to never having a friend like hanari before and being afraid of her... i have admitted to stella that i was afraid of hanari several times, with hanari i felt like i was cady and she was regina george, yes thats the best way to describe it, and stella was janis ian but nice and kind and a good and HONEST friend and REAL person. like cady, i didnt agree with regina but it was this feeling i would get with hanari that i never felt before, its LAME ASF but i felt... cool? idk, i felt like a mean girl. i was always the weird one the mean girls made fun off, but i was never the "cool" one and thats really what our friendship was based on, Feeling like a mean girl may be all fun and games but after a bit it gets upsetting and i feel guilty, im a bad liar tbh. if u know me irl, u know i cant lie, but online... its easier? again none of what im saying is an excuse, but a reasons, that are so stupid and dumb. I shouldve dumped hanari the second she shit talked stella, no one that is willing to hurt their own friends, and cant admit to it, should NOT be trusted. our friendship was never deep, i never discussed personal issues with her but i did with stella.


arya saw the post!!!

<--- she blocked me after i sent this 

 <--- then commented this (i deleted this cuz

i think shes spiraling or something cuz u say my blog post will cause harm, but you dont care abt my blog because no one reads it?? like... which is it?

you dont care about what i post but you care enough to tell me to take certain screenshots down?

also if we were never real friends to you cuz it was online, does it mean you were fake to us the whole time? if so then why are you mad?

also like i said in the screenshots, me and arya were not friends, i dont have any loyalty to her, who cares if i insult her? arya was under the impression that hanari was her friend so if hanari insults her its WORSE

im super immature but you commenting "dumb americans" isnt? yes i did insult her in these emails but idc tbh im so tired of ppl being RUDE ASF to me when they want me to take something down, like instead of being... idk nice? they have to be the most aggressive? so tbh even though i initially censored arya's face i wont anymore since in her words it does nothing LMAOO

also, considering all this, im pretty sure its safe to say shes the dumb one here LMAOOO

tbh mina, hana and arya all desreve each other, they all are hypocrites and flip flop their views CONSTANTLY

also some advice, if i have beef w you and you want me to take it down, the last thing you should do is try to threaten or insult me, ppl have done this to me so many times and im just like??? if you thought there was a chance of me taking it down, well you just blew it! no way im taking it down now!

like acting like hanari wont help u <3


  1. you’re not dragging it people love to tell someone sharing their truth about a situation that they dragging it jus cus they know they in the wrong and will do anything to avoid actually... you know... apologizing πŸ˜‚

  2. she did infact come in clutch 🫑

  3. Thank you for speaking the truth… and I have some thoughts

    1. Communication. Honestly this is the WHOLE REASON (!) Why this friendship ended. (I’m not rlly part of the drama OVI but talking thru notes? GIRLL…) honestly if we were able to talk everything through, talk ab insecurity, explain emotions, things would’ve got somewhere. And all these fights wouldn’t have happened.
    2. SHIT TALKING. I hate backbiting, which is why I didn’t respond to hanari. No matter if I don’t like them, calling ppl slurs, ugly, and other bad terms (I can allow calling out on behavior but when it becomes on a deeper level it’s not good) is BAD. And the fact hanari u didn’t recognize this… girl. When ppl call u out u say it’s shit talking and when u ACTUAKLY shit talk it’s not? Make it make sense. I am rlly sorry the way this all ended but seriously..?
    3. Stalking. Im not gonna speak to much ab this except wtf. U say we r obsessed posting ab it but u stalked Maryam OVER 100 TIMES?

    Anyways hope this teaches u a lesson hanari.

    xoxo Fatma


  4. ugh merm you’re such a great friend. if you’re ever questioning if you are, just reread this whole postπŸ’—
    (the whole entire time my jaw was on the floor) -isabele

    1. THANK U ISABELE I LOVE U SO MUCHπŸ˜­πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  5. This is the most messy tea I’ve ever laid my eyes upon. And like all that over a brown wig is CRAZYYYY, like Anazon, AliExpress, and BEAUTY SUPPLIES EXIST FOR A REASON. That girl could whatever she wants with it, after all it’s her own wig/hair.


  6. Oh and one more thing, GO MAKE SOME REAL LIFE FRIENDS IN PERSON AND TOUCH SOME GRASS, put the phone on the counter and get some vitamin D.

    1. before you annoy someone else for something so irrelevant and insignificant like colored wigsπŸ’‹


  7. I’ll clear something out :
    What I mean when I said « I’m sick of all of your lies Maryam » this is what I meant :

    You were biased when you said you weren’t. -> lying when you mainted that you were neutral.
    Lying to hanari (Admitting of lying to hanari in this post.)
    also telling me you think hanari has malicious intentions, while telling her you didn’t think she was malicious(lying)
    Saying I called you names (lying) I didn’t ? And you posted our whole convo I never called you names. (You’re the one who actually called me childish/naΓ―ve and laughed at me in voice messages saying only child’s think like I do for thinking it’s a stretch to assume hanari wanted to break you and zuba appart especially after hanari told you it wasn’t her intention.)
    This is what i meant when I replied to you in Stella’s blog post.

    Moreover, you keep mentioning maturity, but how are you so sure you’re more mature than everyone else ? Do we really care that much about who’s more mature than who? Because always thinking ur the mature one doesn’t seem super mature to me. (To me as I said, it’s subjective!)
    Especially bc maturity comes in many formes and to you it might be different than to me. When you said, « if you didn’t want drama you would make a blog post and ytb video about it, but you won’t » that’s YOUR way of dealing with things. Not mine. Doesn’t make it any less mature that I’m not making a blog post about this situation.

    I think you also forgot to mention that you also blocked me.
    After expressing TO ME how hurt you felt when hanari did that, ( I also told you I don’t think blocking is a good thing and I never defended Hana for blocking you)
    and how you think it’s Bad communication, then why do it ?
    Especially after I told you I never wanted you to block me, and after I told you repeatedly many times that I never meant to fight with you.
    You forgot to mention that on your post here, so I do.

    I took the time to read all of this, because as I told you before, this whole thing affected me A LOT both mentally and physically. I am not commenting here to fight with you, but to also clear things out once again. One thing that made me continue to argue with you is mainly that you said you were neutral and I didn’t think you were it’s why you see it as me trying to prove Hana is innocent. I also said things on the spot because we both were getting heated with a step back I would’ve worded things differently sometimes but I think having our chat public here isn’t an issue (even tho it would’ve been nice to also notify me that you share a private conversation publicly) but I’m not against it.
    I also felt like some of ur comments and ur attitude was unnecessary and rude at some points, like saying « ur on good thermes with Stella ur not even friends » I know? And me being not her friend doesn’t change the fact I can speak my mind on things.
    One other thing is that when we talked, you constantly twisted my words even after I explained to you what I meant.

    I also read the message you sent me then unsent, I didn’t reply because you said yourself (which is actually contradictory)
    “There is no point in contacting each others”
    (While contacting me)
    So I simply didn’t enter in contact with you
    I also think the whole “have a nice life” part isn’t necessary and the first time you said it, it felt very hurtful just to hurt. I didn’t really think it was a nice approche to say it again.
    Im simply letting you know of how I feel.
    Anyways, this being said, i repeat it, im not looking into fighting you, I also wish to move on but I feel unable to, mainly because of how things ended between us too.

    1. Firstly i wasnt biased i was neutral you can see here i was friend w both of them, also sure i lied a bit and i admitted to them but as stated in the post hanari lied as well, infact more then me and was more hypocritical but she never admitted that she was cuz "shes 100 percent right"

      Secondly you did call me names, u said i was ridiculous and childish, go look at the chats since u forgot

      Thirdly i didnt say i was always more mature i LITERALLY show the things i did wrong in this post???? Did u not see that or???
      Also yes you wont make a blog post or talk abt it but here u are 🀭

      Fourthly?? Idk if thats a word but yes i mentioned that i blocked u, there was a clear indication that YOU didnt wanna talk with me aka im cutting off so yeah i got u off. You say you never defended hanari for blocking me but the whole ARGUMENT was so that i could UNDERSTAND her reason for blocking me so yes you are defending her without realizing it.

      FifthlyπŸ’€ i am allowed to be mad, im not gonna let YOU police my adittude and how mad im allowed to be, like as if hanari wasnt rΓΉde at all, you calling me out and not her seems EXTREMELY hypocritical, no im not going to notify you befire posting because we are not friendsπŸ’…

      Sixthly, i did not twist ur words, what u said is what u said🀷‍♀️

      Also if u didnt want to contact me... Then why are u commenting??? Like???


      Lastly if u really want to move on n "dont want to fightπŸ₯Ί" then why are u still trying to talk to me on here? Since u just want to be done?

    2. Boo mina booooo πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    3. tbh you seem more upset at the things i admitted to doing then the hypocrisy, rudeness and immaturity of the person u are defending

    4. i’m still trying to figure out where the lies are, because no lies have been detectedπŸ€–

    5. Mina.. be so fr. The truth is all here. If you really want to defend yourself get some evidence first. πŸ™„

    6. "BOOO MINA BOOOO πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ… " agreed. except tomatoes arent hard enough BOOOOOOOOO πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯πŸ₯₯




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